• What is Motor Insurance?

    Motor insurance is insurance that provides accident cover for individual owners of the vehicle while driving and also for passengers and third party legal liability. It provide financial compensation for the physical damage or loss and injuries caused to people or to their property as a result of an accident

    Why Motor Insurance?

    Motor Insurance (Third Party) is compulsory. The Kenyan law provides that for any Motor Vehicle to be used on public roads, the owner must have insurance providing protection against legal liability that may arise out of the use of such Motor Vehicle. An accident can happen to anyone even if the driver of the car is not at fault; such accident can physically damage the vehicle and even cause bodily injuries to third parties. If the driver is at fault then the expenses have to be borne by the owner of the vehicle. Such expenses can be enormous hence the need for motor insurance.

    What is covered in Motor Insurance?

    Accident caused by external means. Man-made calamities, such as Explosion, Burglary, Theft, Riots & Strikes, Malicious Acts, Terrorism, etc Natural calamities like Earthquakes, Fire, Floods, Typhoons, Hurricanes, Storms, Cyclones, Lightning, etc. Third party legal liability

    What is not covered in Motor Insurance?

    • Normal wear and tear of the vehicle due to usage
    • Loss or damage due to depreciation of vehicle
    • Electrical / Mechanical breakdown
    • Loss or damage incurred outside the geographical area
    • Loss or damage due to nuclear risks
    • Loss/Damage attributable to War/Mutiny/Nuclear risks
    • Damages caused due to speed testing/ racing etc
    • Types of motor insurance

    Private Car Insurance:

    It is compulsory for all cars to have motor-car insurance. It is insurance for vehicles not used for commercial purposes.

    Commercial Vehicle Insurance:

    It provides cover for all the vehicles which are not used for personal purposes, goods carrying vehicles like the Trucks.

    Types of Cover

    Third Party Only Cover:

    This type of cover is compulsory by law in Kenya. It only covers the insured person’s liability to third parties’ loss caused by an accident involving the vehicle of the insured. It doesn’t cover the expenses, damage, theft or injuries of the insured.

    Third Party Fire and Theft Cover:

    This provides the same cover as third party only and also insures you should your vehicle be damaged by fire or stolen.

    Comprehensive Cover:

    This type of cover has a wider scope and covers all the above mentioned liability along with the insured person’s damage, theft, expenses and injuries in result of an accident of the auto vehicle. At additional premium this type of cover can be extended for additional benefits such as Political Violence, Excess protector, Loss of use, Personal Accident, Forced ATM withdrawals, Windscreen and Window glass cover etc.